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Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group

L'Association Canadienne de Motos Anciennes

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Donations will help fund the CVMG Education Initiative program to help with tuition fees for motorcycle mechanics' students

After two years in development, we're proud to announce that the CVMG Education Initiative is now providing college level scholarships to three Colleges across Canada: Fairview (Alberta) , Red River (Manitoba), and Centennial (Ontario)

These partners provide certificate courses in motorcycle mechanics and small engine repair. We provide for a student bursary of $1,000 at the beginning of the school year based on need and a second award of a $1000 to be presented to a student at the end of the year based on merit.

The Education Initiative is part of our ongoing work to introduce the CVMG to a younger audience. We've heard a lot of support for this type of program from the membership and look forward to it stimulating activities for the sections such as ride-ins to local high schools and other events.

Stay tuned! We'll be pursuing other opportunities with Canadian motorcycle journals and a broader social media presence around the program. If you're interested in being more involved with this or have ideas on how we can better get in front of the next generation of enthusiasts please let us know at (John) or (Brock)

Watch a Power Point Presentation from a

Centennial College Student 

We can only accept credit cards or payment by cheque. Cheques should be made out to "Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group" (NOT CVMG), and sent to our treasurer at:

Deborah Hickey

799 Nosbonsing Park Rd Comp 15

PO Box 6, Corbeil, ONT

P0H 1K0

Please include a note on the cheque stating it's a donation for the CVMG Education Initiative.

To donate with a credit card please fill out the form below.

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Here is a Thank You letter from a Centennial College Student:

Thank You letter from Centennial College


Canada's CVMG has created a unique scholarship program to directly support students interested in motorcycle mechanics, design and repair. Our purpose is to encourage interest in ownership, collection, restoration and use of motorcycles. 

The membership of the CVMG has provided the startup funding for this initiative. We believe that promoting technical education at the college level fills a need in the community that deserves to be addressed. ​We also believe that it's important to preserve the part in our Canadian heritage that motorcycling has played for over a century. This 'Education Initiative' is our way of reaching out to a broader audience and if you're reading this we may be succeeding.

​We hope you want to help. The CVMG is an organization of individuals and that's how we're reaching out. Unless you're a corporate sponsor (and we have a program for that) there are two easy paths to show your support and help us expand this program. First, we hope you'll make a direct donation to the program, and second, if you're not already, become a member of the CVMG.         

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

The Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group (CVMG) is a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting the use, restoration and interest in older motorcycles and those of historic interest.

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